Green Up Day is an honored tradition in Vermont, and one of the things that keeps our Green Mountain State especially green. Green Up Day was launched back in April of 1970 and was originally managed by the governor’s office until a group of citizens formed Green Up Vermont in 1979 to maintain the growth and success of the landmark holiday. Ever since then, Vermonters take to their hometown to clean up parks, roadsides, and any other area in need of greening up and cleaning up.
The Value of Green Up Day

We celebrate Green Up Day because as you’d imagine, the natural beauty of Vermont means a great deal to the Black Diamond Team. We spend our time climbing trees and taking care of them to not only preserve the beauty of the state, but the health of it as well.
From Emerald Ash Borers to fallen limbs to trash and plastic waste, the earth needs our help sometimes to stay green and stay clean. We hope you’ll join Vermonters around the state on Saturday, May 4th to Green Up Vermont and learn a bit more about the earth while you do it.
Spreading the Green Up Day Spirit
Not from Vermont? Get in on the fun anyway, every state needs some love. Green Up Day was started in Vermont by an idea to keep the state clean, and all it takes is another person in another state to continue the trend. Your state might even have a similar project that you could get involved in. All that matters is getting out and getting to work, the earth will thank you for it and your neighbors will too!