Paul Smith’s College
EAB Workshop
Bill and Denise are currently attending seminars about a lethal pest. They recently attended a workshop titled “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail: Be Prepared for Emerald Ash Borer.” Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a non-native beetle that has been killing ash trees in North America. EAB feeds on all species of ash and none of Vermont’s native ash trees are resistant to the insect. It takes 2-4 years for an infested tree to die.
EAB is expected to spread to Vermont. With over 100 million ash trees in Vermont, the spread of EAB will have a significant impact. No beetles have been found in the state yet but the infestations are within 50 miles of Vermont’s borders. (The fact that none have been detected does not mean it is not already here.) The closest known infestations are in central NH, the Massachusetts Berkshires and in New York’s Hudson Valley. EAB has been spreading rapidly since it was first detected. Any ash tree not treated will become a standing dead tree which is hazardous and expensive to remove.
What can we do?
The Black Diamond Team is actively working to bring awareness to our clients and local community in an effort to save some of the ash trees.
Is there any hope?
As you may have heard, ticks have been moving northward and are now found in Vermont. One of the dangers ticks present to animals and humans alike is contracting Lyme disease. According to the CDC, Vermont has the highest rate of Lyme disease in the country, close to 10 times the national average.
The single most effective way to reduce blacklegged (deer) tickets in your yard is by insecticide applications that are applied mainly to the yard perimeter, shady perennial beds or along paths in woods. We provide an effective perimeter spray treatment program.
Please contact us for a place on our schedule.
We’re Hiring!
Black Diamond Tree is seeking an experienced climber to join our team. If you or someone you know would interested in working with the leading residential tree service in Southern Vermont, please email for an application.